89 files found in Library "C programming language routines"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
3D_DLL.ZIP Yes 24780 10/21/1991
Three_d.dll is a DLL for making a Windows
dialog box appear to have a 3-dimensional
look. (Ray Donahue) (Reg.Fee: $20-$50)
ABTDLG.ZIP Yes 3154 2/8/1995
Abtdlg.CPP is a code fragment which gets its
caller's EXE/DLL filename and retrieves
version info to display in an About box.
(Reg.Fee: $0)
ANIMATE.ZIP Yes 153764 10/12/1993
Animate is an animated desktop program for
OS/2 PM. (John Ridges) (Reg.Fee: $0)
APPMAK.ZIP Yes 57544 1/5/1995
AppMaker 2.11 creates a skeleton for a
Windows-based application which is compatible
with Visual C++ and MFC 2.0. (Mark Szamrej)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
B16API.ZIP Yes 53578 10/26/1994
B16API reports on a given 16bit Windows or
PowerPack EXE/DLL. (Reg.Fee: $0)
B32API.ZIP Yes 22709 10/26/1994
B32API generates a report on a given Win32
or Powerpack 32bit EXE/DLL. (Reg.Fee: $0)
BIGUINT.ZIP Yes 11378 2/28/1995
CBigUINT is a 64 bit unsigned integer class
designed for Windows NT's large file
capacity. (Michael Potter) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BIT2BOR.ZIP Yes 2603 10/3/1994
Bitmap.CPP contains C source code for
converting Windows RGB bitmaps to Borland's
putimage format. (Scott Wood) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BMPDLL.ZIP Yes 29527 11/28/1994
BMPDLL contains a DLL written in C++ to
decompress GIF, PCX, and BMP graphic files.
(Jan Dekkers) (Reg.Fee: $?)
BSC32.ZIP Yes 137183 2/11/1994
Visual C++ Browser Toolkit for Windows NT 1.0
contains a set of powerful tools that allow
Visual C++ programmers to manipulate the
contents of browser database (Microsoft
Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BSCLIB.ZIP Yes 80495 3/25/1994
Visual C++ Browser Toolkit 1.0 is a set of
powerful tools that allow the Visual C++
programmer to manipulate the contents of
browser database (Microsoft Corporation)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
BWCC.ZIP Yes 98940 5/27/1994
BWCC.DLL contains the latest version of
BWCC.DLL. (Reg.Fee: $0)
CDK_VB.ZIP Yes 8579 9/1/1991
CDK-VB contains information about creating
custom controls for VB with C++. (Brent K.
Langley) (Reg.Fee: $0)
CENVIW.ZIP Yes 215174 3/21/1994
CEnvi for Windows 1.009 is a C interpreter
that doubles as a Windows batch language.
(Brent Noorda) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $38)
CLIKBAR.ZIP Yes 217465 5/19/1992
ClickBar 1.0 is a DLL that provides Windows
software developers a robust 3D button
interface. (WynApse SoftWare) (Reg.Fee: $36)
CNVLIBW.ZIP Yes 163081 2/8/1995
CEnvi for Windows Library is a library of
routines for CEnvi for Windows, a C
interpreter that doubles as a Window batch
language. (Brent Noorda) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $?)
COOLWORX.ZIP Yes 363311 3/18/1994
CoolWorx 1.0 is a Windows application
framework for C or C++ programmers. (Al
Williams Computing) (Reg.Fee: $100)
CRPECP.ZIP Yes 145385 5/11/1994
Crpecp is a sample application using Crystal
Reports 3.0 Pro and Borland C++. (Reg.Fee: $0)
CSHOWPR.ZIP Yes 19967 10/7/1993
CShowPrcnt is a C class which enables you to
display a modeless dialog box with a
subclassed UserControl to display graphically
the current state of your background
CSTR20.ZIP Yes 350056 11/30/1994
String Studio 2.0 is an MFC CString class
extension with many new functions. (Denis
Chevron) (Reg.Fee: $35)
DDEREQ.ZIP Yes 1108905 5/10/1994
DDE Requester 1.01 allows any DDE compliant
program which acts as a source to record the
DDE data in ASCII text or Access MDB format.
(Simon Westerdale) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $34-$75)
DEFMAP.ZIP Yes 825155 3/1/1995
DefMapper 2.0 provides an automated way to
export Class member functions. (Reg.Fee: $0)
DIB.ZIP Yes 2636 11/10/1991
Dib is a pair of functions for manipulating
a DIB bitmap. (Patrick Reilly) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DIRPKR.ZIP Yes 67529 9/19/1993
Dirpkr shows how to derive a class from
CFileDialog and use a custom template.
(Reg.Fee: $0)
DLGAPP.ZIP Yes 47985 4/25/1994
DLGAPP is an applications generation program
which creates a skeleton MFC app which uses a
dialog template as its main window. (Kenneth
Argo) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DLLXPORT.ZIP Yes 121735 11/29/1994
Dllexport 3.0 eliminates the need to manually
maintain DEF files for Visual C++ DLL's by
creating the DEF file from the OBJ's used to
create it. (Paul Fonte) (Reg.Fee: $20)
DOSWIN.ZIP Yes 3515 10/12/1990
DOSWin is sample code to restrict
puts()-printf() output to a window in Windows
3. (Reg.Fee: $0)
DROPON.ZIP Yes 23152 5/3/1994
DropOn 1.0 provides a way to talk from the
command line to an MDI application that
supports Drag-And-Drop. (Scott Gifford)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
DYNDLG.ZIP Yes 11285 8/4/1994
Dyndlg enables the quick production of
dynamic dialogs where sets of controls appear
and disappear according to the needs of
moments. (Ping-Shuen Lee) (Reg.Fee: $0)
FILE_LK.ZIP Yes 68597 3/22/1994
FileLook 0.2 contains Visual C++ source code
and and executable for a Windows text file
viewer. (I.H. Ting) (Reg.Fee: $0)
FILESYS.ZIP Yes 149951 12/15/1994
CFileSystem 1.3 is a class which lets you get
directory listings, copy files, compare files
and more. (Scott P. Leslie) (Reg.Fee: $16)
FIXDS.ZIP Yes 13126 2/2/1990
FixDS 2.0 is a C routine that eliminates need
for EXPORTS and MakeProcInstance() in Windows
applications; prevents bugs caused by
omitting EXPORTS or MakeProcInstance(); and
allows Windows applications to export
functions that will be called directly from a
dynamic link library. (Michael Geary)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
FREEUP.ZIP Yes 186360 10/13/1994
FreeUp File Manager for Windows 1.00 is a
sample application written and compiled in
TC++ for Windows of a fully functional file
manager with tool and status bars, folder
icons, drive buttons, and more. (Thomas R.
Grubbe) (Reg.Fee: $0)
FTSDEMO.ZIP Yes 118082 10/10/1994
Fast Text Search Demo is a C/Windows
demonstration program showing the use of FAST
TEXT SEARCH. (Index Applications Incorporate)
(Reg.Fee: $?)
GOBLIN.ZIP Yes 181355 5/11/1994
Goblin 1.0 is a graphic object library for
interface construction for FoxPro and C/C++
in the Microsoft Windows environment.
(SOFTSOL GmbH) (Reg.Fee: $150)
HE30VC.ZIP Yes 628726 12/21/1994
HighEdit for VC 3.0 is a full-featured word
processor in a custom control which is
available as a VBX and a DLL. (Pinnacle
Publishing, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $?)
ITEMLIST.ZIP Yes 9567 11/18/1993
ItemList 1.0 is a set of calls for a
last-file-loaded list. (David Stroud)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
IXFW_NT.ZIP Yes 171021 1/5/1995
Interactive Cross Reference for Windows NT
1.1a helps programmers quickly understand C
or C++ source code. (Orange Software)
(Reg.Fee: $120)
IXFW21B.ZIP Yes 128435 10/10/1994
Interactive Cross Reference for Windows 2.1b
turns C or C++ code into a cross referencing
database. (Orange Software) (Reg.Fee: $35)
IXFWIN.ZIP Yes 108308 8/25/1993
IXFWIN 1.1 turns C or C++ code into a cross
referencing database. (Orange Software)
(Reg.Fee: $88)
JOURNAL.ZIP Yes 28778 6/22/1989
Journal is a dynamic Link library
demonstrating Windows 2.0 Journal Hooks.
(Eric Fogelin) (Reg.Fee: $0)
LEARNV.ZIP Yes 36041 2/9/1994
Learning VBX Custom Code is an example of
VBX coding with custom events and properties.
(Dan Rogers) (Reg.Fee: $0)
LZWW10.ZIP Yes 29927 7/14/1994
Data Compression Library for Windows C/C++
1.0 is a data compression library for C
Windows programmers which uses the LZW
algorithm as published in research papers by
Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. (Mike Marshall) (ASP)
(Reg.Fee: $45)
MAIL_OM.ZIP Yes 20546 2/11/1990
Mail_OM is the MSC source code for a mailing
list application for Windows. (Reg.Fee: $0)
MDSAMP.ZIP Yes 48014 12/21/1993
MDSamp 1.0 is a multi-page dialog class for
the Microsoft Foundation Class Library 2.0.
(Chris Shearer Cooper) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MEMVIEW.ZIP Yes 45613 12/17/1993
MemView 3.0 shows how much memory you have
available in Windows. (Bert Whetstone)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
MFCVBX.ZIP Yes 375236 6/24/1994
MFCVBX Custom Control Class Library is a
class library that allows development of VBX
controls using MSVC and MFC. (Bish
Programming) (Reg.Fee: $25)
MTASK_W.ZIP Yes 63842 11/2/1994
Mtask is a programming language for parallel
processing on the Windows NT operating
system. (Parallel Integrated Research)
(Reg.Fee: $40)
MTDLL.ZIP Yes 97374 12/15/1993
MTDLL illustrates Windows NT multithreaded
programming techniques.
MYDDX.ZIP Yes 8942 10/7/1993
Myddx contains some common DDX routines for
use in MFC applications.
NETCOM.ZIP Yes 51230 7/22/1994
NetCom Custom Control 1.5 implements NetBIOS
general, session, and datagram support.
(Northeast Data Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $?)
NETLOG.ZIP Yes 7630 1/25/1994
Netlog 1.0 contains a DLL that retrieves the
current Novell user name and node address,
including the network number. (Ken
Strohschein) (Reg.Fee: $?)
NEWSPY.ZIP Yes 25103 8/3/1991
NewSpy 1.0 is an improved version of the Spy
program that is included in the SDK. (David
A. Feinleib) (Reg.Fee: $25)
NTK3MS.ZIP Yes 412278 1/3/1995
NewTrack 3.01 is a software library, which
assists developers of Microsoft Windows
software in C or C++ by automatically
tracking and validating their use of
dynamically allocated memory. (Cavendish
Software Limited) (Reg.Fee: $99)
PBUTTON.ZIP Yes 7647 3/2/1995
Windows Picture Button Control is a Windows
custom control for a button with a bitmap
picture on it. (Philip J. Erdelsky) (Reg.Fee:
PCDONE.ZIP Yes 7966 8/30/1994
Pcdone.DLL displays a percentage progress
bar window while a task is working. (Paul
Lee) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15)
PRETTY.ZIP Yes 5908 8/31/1994
Visual C++ Pretty Print 1.0 allows
programmers to specify where in their printed
listings the page breaks will appear.
(Connolly Computer Solutions) (Reg.Fee: $0)
PROGRESS.ZIP Yes 5034 1/18/1995
Windows Progress Bar Control contains C++
source code for a control that shows the
percentage of completion of a process, both
as a numerical value and by a partly
filled-in bar. (Philip J. Erdelsky) (Reg.Fee:
REGEXP.ZIP Yes 19883 9/20/1989
Regular Expression DLL is a DLL for
performing expression searches and a number
of supporting operations. (Windfall Software
Systems) (Reg.Fee: $10)
RIPTAB16.ZIP Yes 167864 3/20/1995
RIPtabs for WIN31 4.0 is a C++ library that
provides developers with an easy-to-use path
to the dialog folder tab interface that is
becoming popular in a number of new Windows
applications. (Jonathan Carroll) (Reg.Fee:
RIPTAB32.ZIP Yes 105022 3/28/1994
RIPtabs for Windows NT 1.0 is a C++ library
that provides developers with an easy-to-use
path to the dialog folder tab interface that
is becoming popular in a number of new
Windows applications including Word 6 and
Excel 5 from Microsoft. (Jonathan Carroll)
(Reg.Fee: $40)
ROWCOL.ZIP Yes 30006 9/13/1993
ROWCOL creates a MDI text editor for use
with Visual C++. (Howard Silver) (Reg.Fee: $0)
SHARECOM.ZIP Yes 131644 5/4/1994
ShareCom 1.0 is a comprehensive set of tools
for building and fielding distributed
applications. (Identity Software) (Reg.Fee:
SLIDE32.ZIP Yes 140814 12/5/1994
Slider 32-bit Control 1.2 is a 32-bit slider
control with MFC classes to control it.
(Northeast Data Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $0)
SLIDERCC.ZIP Yes 62389 3/16/1995
Slider Custom Control is a slider custom
control with C/C++ support. (Reg.Fee: $0)
SPLASH.ZIP Yes 120844 1/4/1995
Splash16.DLL is a library that allows C/C++
and VB programmers to add a splash/startup
screen that is displayed while your program
starts. (HSC Software Developers) (Reg.Fee:
SPRMGR.ZIP Yes 415246 7/18/1994
The Sprite Manager for Windows 1.0 contains
both 16- and 32-bit demos of a Visual C++
library for using animated and owner drawn
sprites. (Claus Spacil) (Reg.Fee: $12-$500)
SRCTL09.ZIP Yes 136166 1/4/1995
SrCtl09 is a multi-user source manager for
Windows. (Reg.Fee: $0)
SRIC.ZIP Yes 202995 5/13/1994
Install Creator allows you to quickly and
easily create master disks for distribution
of your applications. (Stage Research)
(Reg.Fee: $25)
STRTBL.ZIP Yes 30203 1/25/1994
Strtable 1.0 contains a full working example
with source of how to connect VB to a C
language DLL.
STSBARC.ZIP Yes 34877 10/8/1991
Status Bar Control 1.2.0 is a DLL and
associated files for displaying a Status Bar
in Windows apps. (Jean-Marc Krikorian)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
TERM11.ZIP Yes 39216 8/4/1994
Term for PCL4W 1.1 contains example code for
a Windows terminal emulator. (Mike Marshall)
(ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0)
VCBROWSE.ZIP Yes 372500 12/20/1994
Visual C++ Browser 1.0 reads browser files
(.BSC) produced by Microsoft's Visual C++.
(David Singleton) (Reg.Fee: $17.75)
VCCLEAN.ZIP Yes 70677 10/17/1994
VC Clean! provides an easier way of getting
rid of the files you don't need after
building a project with the Visual Workbench
and C++. (AdMation) (Reg.Fee: $10)
VCNTXF.ZIP Yes 471804 11/23/1991
Increased File Handle Libraries 1.0 contains
Visual C++ libraries that allow the use of up
to 256 handles or up to 128 streams.
VCSLID.ZIP Yes 157480 9/23/1993
VC Slider Control is a DLL control that
appears as a slider similar to those used on
audio/video equipment such as stereos,
tuners, and amplifiers. (Northeast Data
Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $?)
VFMGR1.ZIP Yes 56490 10/13/1994
VOSS FileManager++ 1.5 provides an exported
C++ class API for defining extensions or
"add-ons" to the Windows File Manager. (Van
de Vate Object-Oriented So) (Reg.Fee: $30)
VTV.ZIP Yes 214382 12/7/1994
Visual Turbo Vision Demo 1.32 lets you build
a menubar and generate the corresponding
sources. (Conception Logiciels Internati)
(Reg.Fee: $?)
WBTRLIB.ZIP Yes 19211 2/14/1995
WBTRLIB is a C++ class library for Novell
BTRIEVE for Windows. (Speech Therapy Systems
Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $55)
WCALCTRL.ZIP Yes 9511 1/17/1995
Windows Calendar Control is a simple control
that you can display wherever the user is
required to enter a date. (Philip J.
Erdelsky) (Reg.Fee: $0)
WCE.ZIP Yes 20038 3/10/1992
Windows C Editor 2.0 is a programming shell.
(Tom DeCillis) (Reg.Fee: $35)
WIN_CLP.ZIP Yes 9555 1/23/1991
Winclip contains source code showing how DOS
programs can use INT 2Fh services to access
the Windows clipboard (in enhanced mode
only). (Andrew Schulman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
WINBGN.ZIP Yes 18526 9/30/1990
WinBegin 3.0 is a development tool for
creating very simple C programs which run
under Windows 3.0. (Susan Crayne) (Reg.Fee:
WINCLAS.ZIP Yes 7221 7/8/1991
WinClass is a C++ class library for Windows
3. (Michael Pittelkow) (Reg.Fee: $0)
WINCPP.ZIP Yes 9541 2/17/1994
WinCPP 1.0 is a windows class with various
C++ routines.
WINET.ZIP Yes 61136 2/11/1990
WINET is an execution profiler for Windows
applications. (Duncan Booth) (Reg.Fee: $0)
WNDLIB10.ZIP Yes 81920 8/8/1994
Wndlib 1.0 is a set of Microsoft Windows C++
class libraries. (Mark Brownstein) (ASP)
(Reg.Fee: $22)
WTERM11.ZIP Yes 39216 10/28/1994
TERM for PCL4W 1.1 is an example windows
terminal program with state driven XModem and
YModem. (Mike Marshall) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0)
ZGRFTOOL.ZIP Yes 90684 6/10/1994
ZGraf C++ Graphing Toolkit - Demo is a
demostration of a program for creating
business, math, or scientific graphs in the
MS-Windows and Windows NT. (ZGRAF Software)
(Reg.Fee: $0)